Galleries Representing Various Oil Paintings And Fine Art Prints
Welcome to our online galleries representing various bodies of work by the artist.
Paintings from: Dreams to Dance in Moonlight
Book Information: Dreams to Dance in Moonlight
Paintings from: Waltzes with Giants
Book Information: Waltzes with Giants
Paintings from: The Untouchable Tree
Book Information: The Untouchable Tree
Paintings from: Sanctuaries
Book Information: Sanctuaries
Southwest: Paintings from Condor Magic
Book Information: Condor Magic
The North: Paintings from The Possibilities of Light in a Cold Place
Book and Gallery information forthcoming
Weaving together conservation writing with the creative dynamics of art and science, the artist's contemporary oil paintings and books explore Ocean Literacy principles and Environmental topics (Conservation, Endangered Species, Forestry, Sustainability, Tribal Lands Programs, and National Parks), Botanical Gardens and Horticulture, the Healing Power of trees, Native American Wisdom, Shamanism, cross-cultural Symbols, and Mythology.
Please contact us to purchase paintings and limited edition prints, or for volume discounts on books.